Climate Change and Fire Management Research Strategy

The British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range Wildfire Management Branch

Overview: The British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range Wildfire Management Branch is responsible for policy relating to forests and wildfire within its region.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a synthesis report on the research on climate change and wildfire management.

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Combatting Climate Change: The German Adaptation Policy

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Overview: The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety is the German governmental body responsible for policies on climate action,  urban development, and rural infrastructure

How to Use This Resource: This report outlines the German plan to adapt to climate change. It focuses specifically on infrastructure adaption in agricultural, transportation, and water supply sectors.

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The Rotterdam Approach

The Rotterdam Climate Initiative

Overview: The Rotterdam Climate Initiative offers a platform for companies, academies, citizens, and government bodies to work together on fortified water supply infrastructure.

How to Use This Resource: This website archives the numerous reports from the city of Rotterdam on how it plans to cut its COemissions and promote sustainable business in the Netherlands.