A Stronger More Resilient New York

The New York City Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resiliency

Overview: The New York City Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resiliency is a city agency created to address infrastructure concerns in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

How to Use This Resource: This report outlines precisely what elements of New York City’s infrastructure are vulnerable to extreme weather, what has been done to fortify it, and what remains to be done. Updates have followed in the city’s OneNYC initiative (2016 report)  

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

Building Climate Resilient Transportation

U.S. Federal Highway Administration

Overview: The Federal Highway Administration is run through the U.S. Department of Transportation and is responsible for the upkeep of our roads and highways.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a detailed analysis of climate changes’ impact on the U.S. transportation system and what efforts are in place to combat it on the federal and state level.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Risk: , , , | Region:

North Carolina Sea Level Rise Assessment Report

North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Commission's Science Panel

Overview: The North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission’s Science Panel is a group of volunteer scientists conducting research on behalf of the Coastal Resources Commission.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will an in-depth analysis of the science behind rising sea levels, the impact it will have on North Carolina, and initiatives in place to fortify the state infrastructure.

Year: | Source: | Risk: | Region:

Adaptation Clearinghouse Database

Georgetown Climate Center

Overview: The nonpartisan Georgetown Climate Center is a branch of Georgetown Law and advocates for climate adaptation, clean energy, and transportation policies in the United States.

How to Use This Resource: The Adaptation Clearinghouse is a database of Georgetown Climate Center research, reports, maps and resources. It is searchable by policy area, organizations, topic and keyword.

Adaptation Resources in New Jersey

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance

Overview: NJADAPT is an online tool to help government officials and the general public understand how a changing climate is affecting New Jersey. It is run through Rutgers University.

How to Use This Resource: This website features an adaptation toolkit, a directory of New Jersey-based adaptation resources, and university research on climate change impacts.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

Adaptation Strategies and Adaptation Mitigation Nexus

Asian-Pacific Adaptation Project

Overview: The Asian-Pacific Adaptation Project is an organization within the United Nations Environmental Programme, working to build climate change resilience in Asian nations.

How to Use This Resource: This archive holds reports, news updates and data on adaptation strategies in the Asian-Pacific region.

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group


Overview: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a network of international cities that share information and collaborate on climate change action. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a key funder.

How to Use This Resource: The site’s database allows journalists to search among participating cities for adaptation and other initiatives. Its research menu provides access to extensive reports, case studies and data, including on adaptation and on low carbon emissions in cities.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

California Climate Change Assessments

California National Resources Agency

Overview: The California Natural Resources Agency is the state governmental body designated to address climate change adaptation and resiliency.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a portfolio of projects for California’s climate change assessment plans. The state recently released a Climate Change Research Plan that spells out near-term research needed to keep the state on track with its climate goals.



Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Risk: , | Region:

Chicago Climate Action Plan

Chicago Climate Action Plan Task Force

Overview: The Chicago Climate Task Force reports to Chicago’s Office of the Mayor. The consortium of policymakers and climate experts are working together to decrease Chicago’s GHG emissions and adapt the city to new climate patterns.

How  to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a complete assessment of Chicago’s response to climate change with reports on policy, risk assessment, and new initiatives, including a nine-point climate adaptation plan.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , , | Region:

CityLab: Climate Change

The Atlantic

Overview: The Atlantic is one of the top English-Language newspapers in the world and is based in Washington D.C. It provides international cultural commentary with a moderate perspective.

How to Use This Resource: This newsletter uses data analysis and visual storytelling to report on innovation in cities worldwide. Its focus is at the nexus of municipal policy and new technology.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Climate Adaptation Planning, Research and Practice


Overview: weADAPT is an online space to access and share climate adaptation information from across the globe.

How to Use This Resource: weADAPt features an archive of relevant adaption reports, as well as an interactive map of initiatives happening across the globe.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , , , | Region:

Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiatives

The United Nations Development Programme

Overview: The United Nations Development Programme researches the climate disaster risk and energy policies of nations and finances resiliency efforts worldwide.

How to Use This Resource: Developing countries are both less able to cope with and more likely to be affected by extreme weather. This database provides information on what adaptation action is being taken by the United Nations Development Programme and where.

Climate Change Adaptation: Towards a Resilient City

Environment and Energy Division of the City of Toronto

Overview: The Environment and Energy Division of the City of Toronto develops and implements its environmental and energy policies, as well as promoting sustainable development in the private sector.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find several reports and briefs from the Toronto city government on what climate change risks the city faces and how it is adapting.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

Climate Change and Transportation Research and Activities

U.S. Transportation Research Board

Overview: The Transportation Research Board is run through the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. It conducts research at the nexus of climate change and transportation.

How to Use This Resource: This website serves as a gateway to Transportation Research Board activites and products that address transportation infrastructure and the effort to reduce transportation-related emissions of carbon dioxide.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Climate Change News Updates

The Ecologist

Overview: The Ecologist publishes news on climate change and its impacts on agriculture, health, and the energy sector.

How to Use This Resource: The climate change coverage from The Ecologist combines in-depth reporting with fascinating stories of adaptation and survival.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

Climate Confidential

Climate Confidential

Overview: Climate Confidential is an independent news source covering environment and technology. Funded by readers, its stories have appeared in The Atlantic and Scientific American.

How to Use This Resource: Find narrative-driven stories about technological innovation in the fight against climate change, drought and public health concerns.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Risk: | Region:

Climate Showcase Communities Program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Overview: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the federal agency that develops policies concerned with human health and the environment. EPA’s Climate Showcase Communities Program helps local governments and tribal nations pilot innovative, cost-effective and replicable community-based greenhouse gas reduction projects.

How to Use This Resource: This site and interactive map showcases climate change initiatives happening across the United States, specifically energy efficiency, waste management, and transportation programs. The site includes links to effective practices tip sheets, program model design guides and workshop presentations.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

Climate-Ready Water Utilities Toolkit

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Overview: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the federal agency that develops policies concerned with human health and the environment.

How to Use This Resource: This toolkit – designed primarily for water utility managers – focuses on fortifying water infrastructure and provides tools, training, and technical assistance needed to adapt to climate change.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Risk: | Region:

Community-Based Adaptation to a Changing Climate

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Overview: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the federal agency that develops policies concerned with human health and the environment.

How to Use This Resource:  This report discusses how climate change impacts community services, provides adaptation strategies, and provides links to other federal resources.

Compact of Mayors News and Research

The Compact of Mayors

Overview: The Compact of Mayors is the world’s largest coalition of city leaders addressing climate change by pledging to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, tracking their progress and preparing for the impacts of climate change.

How to Use This Resource: This archive of news updates and reports from the Compact of Mayors follows adaptation progress in cities across the globe.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Crowdsourcing Climate Change Adaptation

Climate CoLab: The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

Overview: Climate CoLab uses crowdsourcing and contests to unite citizens, experts and policymakers and create innovative proposals for climate change action worldwide.

How to Use This Resource: Climate CoLab’s adaptation contest features proposals on preparing for and adapting to climate change. The site also feature numerous other contests and research from internationally recognized experts paired with practical perspectives from local communities.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:



Overview: Data.gov is an online database that is managed by the U.S. General Services Administration.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find government-sponsored data on the projected impacts of climate change on the nation’s infrastructure, public health and natural resources.

Extreme Weather Research

Climate Central

Overview: Climate Central is an independent organization of scientists and journalists researching and reporting climate change in the United States.

How to Use This Resource: Climate Central scientists survey and conduct research on climate change, then partner with journalists to report their findings. The result is this database of scientific research covering topics such as energy, sea level rise, wildfires and drought.

Federal Action on Climate Change


Overview: Performance.gov provides the public with a view of the inner workings of the Federal Government.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a complete archive of the federal agencies concerned with climate change and the most up-to-date reports on their plans and progress.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Global Climate Change Initiative

The U.S. Agency for International Development

Overview: The U.S. Agency for International Development is the primary federal agency for the administration of foreign financial aid.

How to Use This Resource: U.S. AID’s work focuses on human security and prosperity overseas, and its climate initiative focuses on clean energy growth and resilient development. Its adaptation program reaches more than 30 countries. The site also has a resilience resource and research database in which journalists will find articles, speeches, videos and webinars on U.S. international adaptation investments.

Global Sustainability and Resilience

The Wilson Center

Overview: The Wilson Center is a non-partisan policy forum that addresses global issues through independent research to draft actionable policy recommendations.

How to Use This Resource: The Global Sustainability and Resilience Program is an overarching initiative that combines the ongoing efforts of the Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program, China Environment Forum, Maternal Health Initiative, and Urban Sustainability Laboratory. There is extensive research, access to experts and events. Regular updates are found on the NewSecurityBeat.org blog.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Hurricane Sandy Rebuild By Design Competition

Rebuild by Design

Overview: In response to Hurricane Sandy, U.S. HUD Secretary Donovan launched Rebuild by Design, a design competition model to develop innovative, actionable solutions for a more resilient region in the Northeast.

How to Use This Resource: Each of the projects profiled here found new ways to use design as a means to rebuild after Hurricane Sandy. This work is at the vanguard of urban resiliency action.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

Impacts and Adaptations Research Hub

Climate Access

Overview: Climate Access is a network for those engaging the public in the transformation to low-carbon, resilient communities.

How To Use This Research: This archive holds extensive reports on adaptation efforts across the globe and is searchable by region and by climate change impacts.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , , | Region:

Infrastructure Update Three Years Later: Progress Being Made Toward A More Resilient New York

New York Building Congress

How to Use This Resource: This archive of reports examines how New York City’s infrastructures, such as its transportation systems and public housing, fare after being hit by Hurricane Sandy. It is updated monthly.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

Local Government Climate Adaptation Training

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Overview: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the federal agency that develops policies concerned with human health and the environment.

How to Use This Resource: This training toolkit was designed to brief local government lawmakers on the local level on climate change science, impacts, and policy solutions available to them.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

National Climate Assessment NCANet Toolkit

The United States Global Change Research Program

Overview: The United States Global Change Research Program is a coalition of 13 federal departments and agencies research the human-induced and natural processes of climate change.

How to Use This Resource:  Participants of this information-sharing platform contribute their climate change research materials to this easily searchable database. The Adaptation + Mitigation and Built Infrastructure sections cover climate change action on the federal, state, and local level.

ND-GAIN Global Adaptation Index

The University of Notre Dame's Environmental Change Initiative and Climate Change Adaptation Program

Overview: The Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (GAIN) researches strategies for increasing resilience in climate change-vulnerable communities across the globe.

How to Use This Resource: The GAIN index maps the world’s climate change readiness based on water, food, health infrastructure data on every continent.


Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study Report

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Overview: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers investigates, develops and maintains the nation  environmental resources.

How to Use This Resource: This report and interactive map details the results of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of coastal storm and flood risk to vulnerable populations, property, ecosystems, and infrastructure affected by Hurricane Sandy in the North Atlantic region.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Risk: , | Region:

President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change


Overview: WhiteHouse.gov serves as an archive of news and information pertaining to the President of the United States. It regularly publishes policies, speeches, reports and briefs.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a structured explanation of federal government policies to reduce carbon pollution and encourage investment in clean energy. It also provides links to policy assessment reports, supporting research, and comprehensive fact sheets.

Progress Report: Targets and Initiatives 2

Greenworks Philadelphia

Overview: Greenworks Philadelphia is the City’s first comprehensive sustainability plan. Its drafting incorporated existing work within the Philadelphia government and external partners.

How to Use This Resource: This report details the Philadelphia government’s policies to combat climate change and make the city more resilient.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Resilience and Adaptation in New England

Northeast Regional Ocean Council

Overview: The Northeast Regional Ocean Council is a state and federal partnership that assists the region’s states, federal agencies and local organizations to address oceanic issues.

How to Use This Resource: This presentation from the EPA Region 1 Climate Mapping Effort in May, 2015 details the efforts of the Northeast Regional Ocean Council to adapt the New England coastline to climate change.

Year: | Risk: , | Region:

Risky Business: The Economic Risks of Climate Change to the United States

The Risky Business Project

Overview: The Risky Business Project is an independent assessment of the economic risks posed by a changing climate in the United States. It is the product of economic research firm Rhodium Group, which specializes in analyzing disruptive global trends, led by project co-chairs former New York Major Michael R. Bloomberg, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and philanthropist Tom Steyer.

How to Use This Resource: This extensive and high-profile financial risk-assessment report outlines a range of potential negative impacts if climate change adaptation lags for each region of the United States, as well as for selected sectors of the economy. More extensive reports have since been released on the Midwest, Southeast and California.

Seizing the Global Opportunity

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate

Overview: The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate is an independent think tank, commissioned by Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom, to address the financial concerns caused by climate change.

How to Use This Resource: This report explores initiatives that would result in both stronger economic growth and a better climates in developing countries.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Strategic Sustainability Performance and Adaptation Plans

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Overview: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the Department of Defense agency responsible for investigating and maintaining the nation’s environmental resources.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find the most recent U.S. Army Corps of Engineers progress reports on its climate change risk assessment research, as well as video and other resources on climate resilience.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Risk: , | Region:

Sustainability DC: Sustainable DC Plan

Sustainable DC

Overview: Sustainable DC is the District of Columbia’s major planning effort to make the city a sustainable one.  It is led by the Department of Energy and Environment and the Office of Planning with input and participation of thousands of D.C. community members.

How to Use This Resource: The Sustainability DC Plan details how the capital intends to improve its infrastructure and adapt to the changing climate.


Year: | Source: | Response: , , | Region:

The Climate Center Research on Agriculture

The University of Michigan Graham Sustainability Institute

Overview: The University of Michigan Graham Sustainability Institute researches solutions for the long-term social, economic, and environment sustainability of the Great Lakes region in the face of climate change.

How to Use This Resource: The Climate Center delivers reports and datasets on the impacts climate change will have on American agriculture and the adaptation strategies underway.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

The Climate Impacts: Global and Regional Adaptation Support Platform Database


Overview: CI:Grasp is a climate information service that collects data on current and projected climate stimuli, impacts and adaptation options on a national and regional level.

How to Use This Resource: This enormous database allows journalists to search for worldwide adaptation projects by numerous criteria, such as region, climate change effect, and source.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Transportation, Waste, Water and Energy Resources in Boston

Greenovate Boston

Overview: Greenovate Boston is a citywide initiative to engage the community in climate adaptation and sustainability.

How to Use This Resource: This database provides up-to-date information on sustainable and climate-friendly resources and organizations in Boston. The site also provides links to climate adaptation policy, reports and news in the Boston area.

Year: | Source: | Response: , , , | Region:

U.S. Congress Bills on Climate Change Adaptation Database

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Overview: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to advance climate change and energy policy in the United States.

How to Use This Resource: This database provides a list of every climate change bill in the 113th Congress. It identifies the bill’s sponsor, summarizes its contents, and reports on its status. Bills are organized by topic, which include climate change adaptation, energy, transportation, renewable fuels, and carbon.

United States Federal Adaptation Resources

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Overview: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is an independent nonprofit advocating for policy action to address climate change.  It is the successor to the Pew Center on Global Climate Change.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a database of adaptation resources such as reports, bill proposals, and datasets for policymakers on the federal, state and municipal level.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

USDA Climate Hubs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture

Overview: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is the federal department responsible for developing and executing law on farming, agriculture, forestry, and food.

How to Use This Website: Each climate hub within this interactive map of the United States links to data on that region’s climate, as well as to practical information about climate resiliency and adaptation toolkits for farmers, ranchers and landowners.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region: , , , ,

Water Utility Response On The Go

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Overview: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the federal agency that develops policies concerned with human health and the environment.

How to Use This Resource: This toolkit for water utilities makes EPA resources easily accessible in the midst of an extreme weather event. It is mobile-friendly and includes weather tracking tools, planning information, and a damage reporting form.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Weather and Climate Toolkit

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Overview: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a federal agency dedicated to the preservation of oceans and the atmosphere.

How to Use This Resource:The toolkit allows the visualization and data export of weather and climate data, including radar, satellite and model data. It also provides tools for background maps, animations and basic filtering.

Year: | Source: | Risk: , , | Region:

Climate Adaptation: Seizing the Challenge

World Economic Forum

Overview: The World Economic Forum is an independent, international organization that collaborates with decision makers in the political and business spheres to shape global policies.

How to Use This Resource: Sub-Saharan African nations are among the most vulnerable to climate change and the least ready to adapt, according to this World Economic Forum report. Journalists will find data on the climate change and economic factors that weakens these nations.

Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons From Urban Economics

NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management

Overview: The NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management specializes in urban economies research, their reports feature important data on how climate change influences urban markets.

How to Use This Resource: This paper develops a dynamic model for measuring the contributions urban residents and businesses make to readying their cities for climate change.


Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Climate Change Synthesis Report Summary for Policymakers

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Overview: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a scientific body within the United Nations that reviews scientific, technical and socio-economic information on climate change.

How to Use This Resource: This synthesis report is provides a global perspective of climate change and addresses its causes, future impacts, and future pathways for adaptation.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Dawn of the Smart City? Perspectives from New York, Ahmedabad, Sao Paulo and Beijing

The Wilson Center

Overview: The Wilson Center is a non-partisan policy forum that addresses global issues through independent research to draft actionable policy recommendations.

How to Use This Resource: This collection of essays examines the application of smart technology innovations in New York, Sao Paulo, Beijing and Ahmedabad  to combat the risks of climate change.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Flood Resilience: A Basic Guide for Water and Wastewater Utilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Overview: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  is the federal organization that develops policies concerned with human health and the environment.

How to Use This Resource: This database of information on the U.S.’s water utilities infrastructure provides a basic overview of its current state, identifies vulnerable regions, and reports on projects currently underway to fortify it.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Risk: | Region:

Mayors Challenge

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Overview: Bloomberg Philanthropies is a nonprofit led by Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor, that promotes municipal climate change adaptation.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists interested in innovative city responses to climate change should examine Stockholm’s biochar project and Houston’s new recycling technology.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

National Climate Assessment Report

The U.S. Global Change Research Program

Overview: The U.S. Global Change Research Program is a coalition of 13 federal departments and agencies research the human-induced and natural processes of climate change.

How to Use This Resource:  This interactive report details public and private sector adaptation planning happening in the United States. Few adaptation plans have been implemented and several enact only incremental changes.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Protecting Our Capital: How Climate Adaptation in Cities Creates a Resilient Place for Business

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

Overview: C40 is a network of international cities that share information and collaborate on climate change action.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find data from more than 200 cities on their adaptation initiatives on the micro and macro level.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

Quadrennial Defense Review

The U.S. Department of Defense

Overview: The U.S. Department of Defense serves as the principal defense policy advisor to the President and works under his direction. It embodies the United States military and a civilian force of thousands.

How to Use This Resource: This reports includes an in-depth analysis of climate change’s impact as a “threat multiplier” to national security, as well as a discussion of preparations and adaptation to climate change.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region:

Resilient Cities: A Grosvenor Research Report

The Grosvenor Group

Overview: Grosvenor is a privately owned property group with properties across the globe that advocates for sustainable growth and climate adaptation.

How to Use This Resource: This report ranked the major cities of the world by climate resiliency. American cities dominated the top of the list and only two European cities, Stockholm and Zurich, made the top 10. The lowest ranking cities were those with high population forecasts and shoddy infrastructure, such as Mexico City. This data will be useful to journalists looking for contextual information.

Rising Waters, Rising Threat: How Climate Change Endangers America’s Neglected Wastewater Infrastructure

The Center for American Progress

Overview: The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of Americans.

How to Use This Resource:  As extreme weather strains sewer systems, wastewater infrastructure is becoming a critical public and environmental health concern. This report investigates the state of the sewage infrastructure and recommends policy to adapt it.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Africa’s Adaptation Gap: A Technical Report

United Nations Environment Programme

Overview: The United Nations Environment Programme represents the environment within the United Nations system.

How to Use This Resource: Africa’s Adaptation Gap Report is a stark analysis of where Africa stands in relation to its adaptation goals. The continent serves as a cautionary indicator of what may happen should the emissions gap remain.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

East Coast Harbors Affected by Hurricane Sandy

The New York - New Jersey Harbor Coalition

Overview: The New York – New Jersey Harbor Coalition is a campaign of local and national advocacy organizations working to improve and adapt the region’s waterways.

How to Use This Resource: The maps on the Harbor Coalition provides valuable data on the East Coast harbor, how it was impacted by Hurricane Sandy, and what plans are in the work to repair and improve it.

Year: | Source: | Risk: | Region:

How Climate Change Action is Giving Us Wealthier, Healthier Cities

The Carbon Disclosure Project and C40

Overview: This Carbon Disclosure Project report surveyed 110 municipal governments worldwide to research the effect of climate change action on cities. It found it would enhance the municipalities’ economies, as well as the health of their residents.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find data on the municipal governments: which policymakers are addressing climate change, what they are doing, and how their efforts are working. The study found 91 percent of cities believe cutting greenhouse gas emissions will improve their economies, 55 percent are combatting climate change by promoting walking and cycling, and more than 75 percent of cities reported that their action will improve the health of their residents.

Year: | Source: , | Response: , | Region:

Sustainable Cities: Building Cities for the Future

Climate Action Programme and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

Overview: The United Kingdom’s Climate Action Programme and the American C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group partnered to publish this report on innovative climate change adaptation in Adelaide, Chicago, Copenhagen, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find detailed analyses of city-level initiatives in carbon neutrality, public transportation, ecological architecture, and other such green topics.

The Plumbing of Adaptation Finance: Accountability, Transparency, and Accessibility at the Local Level

World Resources Institute

Overview: The World Resources Institute is a global research organization that focuses on the critical elements of achieving sustainability worldwide.

How to Use This Resource: This report analyzes adaptation financing in Nepal, the Philippines, Uganda, and Zambia to examine how much finance is available within developing countries and whether the needs of the most vulnerable are being met.

Climate Policy Resources

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Overview: The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is a private research organization that focuses on the use, regulation, and taxation of land, including implications related to climate change.

How to Use This Resource: Various climate policy resources are published by the Institute. Among them is the Planet of Cities book by Shlomo Angel reports on the developing science of cities and preparing them for expansion and climate change.

Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative

The National Academies Press

Overview: The National Academies Press publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, and operates under a United States Congress charter.

How to Use This Resource: This book focuses on the particular challenges of crafting federal policies on climate resiliency that suite a vast amount of Americans communities, each with their own individual needs.

Year: | Source: | Response: , | Region:

Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast

Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

Overview: The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority was established after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, in order to unify the state entities involved with protecting the coastline. For the first time in state history, Louisiana is uniting infrastructural and environmental agencies to produce a more climate-resilient community.

How to Use This Resource: Louisiana is one of the most vulnerable states, as well as one of the most innovative. This master plan details projects that provided relief to areas hit by Hurricane Katrina and lays groundwork for large-scale efforts to fortify the coastline in time for the next extreme storm.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Risk: , , | Region:

Ocean Acidification: From Knowledge to Action Summary Report

Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification

Overview: Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification is a research group convened by Washington States’s Office of the Governor.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a comprehensive overview of what causes ocean acidification, the negative impact it has on local economies, and what policies and practices might curtail it.

Year: | Source: | Response: | Region: