Environmental and Climate Justice Program


Overview: The Environmental and Climate Justice Program is the branch of the NAACP advocating for climate change action in African-American communities.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find information the specific impact climate change has on African-American communities in the United States. The database includes policy reports, toolkits, and blog articles.

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The New Orleans Index at Ten: Measuring Greater New Orleans’ Progress toward Prosperity

The Data Center

Overview: The Data Center provides independent data analysis on disaster recovery and regional economic analysis in Southeast Louisiana.

How to Use This Resource: New Orlean’s recovery after Hurricane Katrina is a case study in the successes and failures of resilience investment. This report examines how the city used climate change adaptation to bolster the city’s economy yet why certain communities are still struggling to recover.

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Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast

Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

Overview: The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority was established after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, in order to unify the state entities involved with protecting the coastline. For the first time in state history, Louisiana is uniting infrastructural and environmental agencies to produce a more climate-resilient community.

How to Use This Resource: Louisiana is one of the most vulnerable states, as well as one of the most innovative. This master plan details projects that provided relief to areas hit by Hurricane Katrina and lays groundwork for large-scale efforts to fortify the coastline in time for the next extreme storm.

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