Building a Stronger Coast

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services

Overview: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services is the agency dedicated to protecting oceanic ecosystems.

How to Use This Resource: This website features state fact sheets, an infographic on coastal resilience, restoration and repair videos, and an interactive story map of Hurricane Sandy recovery projects, with detailed profiles of each and a database of media resources that is searchable by state.

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United States Federal Adaptation Resources

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Overview: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is an independent nonprofit advocating for policy action to address climate change.  It is the successor to the Pew Center on Global Climate Change.

How to Use This Resource: Journalists will find a database of adaptation resources such as reports, bill proposals, and datasets for policymakers on the federal, state and municipal level.

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Weather and Climate Toolkit

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Overview: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a federal agency dedicated to the preservation of oceans and the atmosphere.

How to Use This Resource:The toolkit allows the visualization and data export of weather and climate data, including radar, satellite and model data. It also provides tools for background maps, animations and basic filtering.

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