FEMA on Climate Change

The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency

Overview: The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency supports citizens and first responders to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate hazards.

How to Use This Resource: FEMA’s climate change site provides access to a wide range of its own tools and data, as well as those from other agencies. Links are provided to information on risk mapping, the federal flood risk management standard, coastal flood risks and hurricanes. Search elsewhere within the FEMA site for information on flood insurance, emergency response, and activities in regions of the country, as well as preparing for emergencies.

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The New Orleans Index at Ten: Measuring Greater New Orleans’ Progress toward Prosperity

The Data Center

Overview: The Data Center provides independent data analysis on disaster recovery and regional economic analysis in Southeast Louisiana.

How to Use This Resource: New Orlean’s recovery after Hurricane Katrina is a case study in the successes and failures of resilience investment. This report examines how the city used climate change adaptation to bolster the city’s economy yet why certain communities are still struggling to recover.

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Rising Waters, Rising Threat: How Climate Change Endangers America’s Neglected Wastewater Infrastructure

The Center for American Progress

Overview: The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of Americans.

How to Use This Resource:  As extreme weather strains sewer systems, wastewater infrastructure is becoming a critical public and environmental health concern. This report investigates the state of the sewage infrastructure and recommends policy to adapt it.

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